Who doesn’t want to be in the top 4% of online marketers? Surely those guys make millions. There is a program that promises to show you how to be one of the elite earners. Unfortunately, it costs a fortune and mostly sells smoke and mirrors. Follow me to see the Devil in the details.
Product: The Four Percent Group
Website: thefourpercentgroup.com
Owner: Vick Strizheus
Price: $49/month plus upsells in the thousands!
Opinion: Not Recommended
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Is The Four Percent Group A Scam?
There is an extremely expensive and misleading program online known as the Four Percent Group. Founded by Vick Strizheus, who has also created products such as The Project Breakthrough, Big Idea Mastermind, and the High Traffic Academy, this program is primarily advertised to people who would like to make a huge sum of money online.
Although the Four Percent Group sells a dream that will make most unsuspecting consumers quickly hop on board, I’m here to share with you the truth: the company only takes people’s money as true results with this program are extremely unlikely. Continue reading to discover is the four percent group a scam.
What Is The Four Percent Group?
Before providing its consumers with basic information about the program, the company encourages people to sign up for one of three membership tiers: Lite, Pro, and Pro Elite. While the Lite membership is $7 a month, the Pro is $49 a month. But the real kicker is the Pro Elite membership, which is currently priced at $5,000 a year.
A Pig in a Poke.
Most people are unaware that they also must purchase the promoted products in the program if they want the marketing funnel to work toward their advantage. The cost for setting up the funnel is roughly $175 per month, an insane amount to pay for a sales funnel.
However, the main product that the program is advertising is an expensive internet marketing course known as Tecademics. The cost of this training course is $12,000. Yes, that’s right, a whopping $12,000!! And if you want to make money with the Four Percent Group, you are going to have to purchase Tecademics.
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Pay to Play.
When you own Tecademics, you automatically qualify for a 40 percent commission payout from this product. The thing is that you won’t receive this generous commission if you don’t purchase the product.
So, let’s say that you refer a potential customer to Tecademics through the 4 Percent Group, and they were actually crazy enough to purchase this costly product. If you did not buy Tecademics, the person who referred you to the training course would receive your commission, assuming they bought the course.
Incidentally, forcing members to buy a product before they can earn a commission on it is an indication of a pyramid scheme according to the FTC.
No Retail Sales.
Also, only members buy the products. In other words, there are no retail sales. This is yet another sign of a pyramid scheme as defined by the FTC.
Once you purchase Tecademics, you need to figure out how to drive traffic to your website. Sounds easy, right? The process itself may be simple, but it certainly won’t be easy on your pocketbook.
You see, the four percent group Vick Strizheus only teaches you the basics of driving traffic from paid sources. The phrase “free traffic” will never be mentioned when you buy this program. Instead, you will be practically coerced into paying for costly advertising platforms like Facebook Ads and Google AdWords.
Even if you are dubious enough to pay for these advertising platforms, they won’t automatically ensure that you will make money. That’s because the Four Percent Group doesn’t actually teach you how to effectively use these marketing resources.
Slim Chance of Making Money.
In my research, I have noticed that most beginners do not succeed with this program since they have no clue what they are doing. While they are increasing their monthly expenses every month by investing money into the program, the only person who is getting richer is Vick Strizheus.
Don’t Waste Your Money.
Contrary to what some people may be saying on online Four Percent Group reviews, Internet marketing courses should NOT be expensive.
Think about it. Wouldn’t it make more sense for beginners to learn the important steps to be a successful internet marketer without risking a big chunk of money? In my experience, even the most advanced Internet marketing training courses should not cost more than about $50 a month.
Is the Four Percent Group a scam?
Is the Four Percent Group a scam? According to many Four Percent Group reviews and countless online complaints, plus how the Four Percent Group appears to be structured like a pyramid scheme AND given Vick Strizheus’ history of creating scams, I can say with a high degree of confidence that if you join the Four Percent Group, you will only lose money. Nothing good will come of it.
The program is essentially a marketing funnel where you are encouraged to pay thousands of dollars for courses that are unlikely to produce any real results in the long run.
Dreams Pitched by a Madman.
Before you sign up for the Four Percent Group with Vick Strizheus, ask yourself this question: How many people have thousands of dollars to spend on a program like this? Remember that if you can’t find a lot of people to purchase this expensive program, you won’t make money. You’ll only lose money.
People who spend thousands of dollars to learn internet marketing are bedazzled by dreams of riches pitched by a charismatic madman. Don’t fall for the lies.
A Dubious Personality.
If you can’t sell the dream like Vick Strizheus, you won’t make money. In my experience, charismatic people who can bedazzle others with outrageous BS have a rather dubious personality trait. Not one to be admired.
Instead of throwing thousands of dollars into a program that doesn’t provide adequate training, why not learn with an affordable training program that has a proven track record?
Last Word on the Four Percent Group.
The truth is, the future holds only two possible outcomes for the Four Percent Group. It will either collapse or the FTC will shut it down. Either way, the members lose money.
The Four Percent Group will probably collapse like all of Vick Strizheus’ previous schemes. It will collapse because pyramid schemes always collapse. Or, the FTC will shut it down and freeze its assets as they have done to the Empower Network, Aspire Digital and MOBE.
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A Better Way.

If you want to make money with the internet, you must be prepared to learn new skills. It is the skills that will make you money, not a secret method.
The methods and strategies for making money online are well known. Legitimate internet marketing training programs don’t sell pie in the sky dreams and they don’t charge you thousands of dollars either. Legitimate internet marketing training programs teach the industry’s best practices and proven business principles.
If you want to make enough money online to quit your job, you must commit to learning the skills you will need. Also, don’t get in a hurry, learning to make money from your laptop will take time. Commitment and patience are essential.
The best place to master internet marketing is also the most affordable. You can start for free.
I recommend the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course. The first ten lessons are free and come with full support and one-on-one mentoring.
To learn more about the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course, Click Here.
If you found this article helpful or have experience with Four Percent Group, please leave a comment below.
Thanks for the great review of the four percent group. I’m always a little wary when a group wants that much money to see the commission rewards. I understand the business concept it takes money to make money but all within reason. The program may work but I’ll a
pass on this one as my hard earned money can be used more wisely elsewhere.
Hi, Stephen!
That’s a great way of looking at programs like the Four Percent Group. When you have to spend so much upfront, you dig a deep hole for yourself and it will take much longer to have a positive cash flow.
Also, most people who try to make money online quit too early in the game. Vick Strizheus knows this and does all he can to get as much money as he can from each sign up in the beginning.
I suspect it is only a matter of time until the FTC investigates the Four Percent Group. The FTC has already shut down many similar organizations, including Empower Network where Strizheus learned his scamming skills.
Thanks for stopping by,
This is really cool. Too many times newbies get on the internet in hopes of learning how to make some extra cash on the internet. Then all these “get rich quick” scams pops up making promises they surely can’t live up too. And when the newbie buys what they are selling, the product is complete crap and they can’t even get there money back. I know because this has happened to me multiple times.
So I am glad you are exposing these scams and warning consumers. Do you have any recommendations on where we could learn the fundamentals of internet marketing? Great review, definitely sharing this on Facebook.
Hi, Garrett!
It seems that getting scammed is part of the process of learning how to make money online. It’s like a rite of passage, so wear your scam scars with pride.
A serious problem with scams, particularly expensive ones like the Four Percent Group, is that they can destroy a person’s finances and their will to succeed.
The training I recommend for people who want to learn how to make money online the right way is the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course. The starter level is totally free, no credit card needed. The free training will show you what it really takes to make money online. You can learn more about the course here.
Thanks for stopping by,
You are right Gary who does not want to be in the top 4% of on-line marketers in the world? I would love to be in that group of people and have access to buckets and buckets worth of money wouldn’t you? Thanks for this great review on the 4% group. I think that the FTC is right and if it’s compulsory to purchase expensive products to success recommending a product then it’s probably a scam. I know that it is one of my warning signs that’s for sure. Affiliate marketing sounds easy but it’s actually a lot of WORK to build a long term successful business online. It takes daily effort to both create new content and understand different marketing skills that are required to make this business a success. I was just wondering what part of affiliate marketing you found the most difficult to learn when you were first starting out?
Hi, Glenys!
Pyramid schemes like the Four Percent Group are popping up all over the internet. If a sales organization does not earn the majority of it’s income from retail sales and insists that members “pay to play” by first purchasing an expensive product or level, it’s a scam of the highest magnitude.
Yes, building an online business is work, but it’s easier than clocking into a dead end job every morning. There is a huge misunderstanding that making money online should be quick and easy. It can be, but not at first. At first, when you don’t know anything, you have to learn new skills and put them into action. Even then, it may take months to see results. It’s essential to stick with it.
Among other occupations, I have been a brick mason, a soldier, a handyman, a city planner, a novelist and copywriter. Honestly, once I found a legitimate place to learn the skills I needed, making money online is the easiest money I’ve ever made. I learned how through the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course.
For me, the hardest part of affiliate marketing has been social media and paid advertising. I don’t enjoy social media and it seems silly to me. Paid advertising gets expensive very quickly and it’s often necessary to spend a few hundred dollars just to test a new campaign and get some baseline data.
Thanks for stopping by,
I don’t believe that the four percent group is a scam, it just a system that requires a lot of money to get the ball rolling with the challenge. If you going to become one of the 4%ers. Then you are going to have to invest in the program. That including buying into the upsell with can reach up to the thousands dollars.
Of course, The four percent group is not for everyone, if you don’t have the money to invest then it’s not going to work for you. It’s is a scam I don’t think so because the training that Vick teaches can be implemented in your current online business it doesn’t have to be the four percent group. Thanks for listening
Hi, Anthony!
I appreciate your comment but disagree with your view of the Four Percent Group. Vick Strizheus has a history of creating extremely expensive programs that funnel money to the top where he conveniently sits. There is no reason in the world to pay thousands of dollars on blind faith to learn internet marketing.
Also, Strizheus’s style of selling the dream is a dead giveaway that there is little value in his program. All he does is get people excited about making lots of money so they will give him THEIR money. Then, if they want to make money with the Four Percent Group, they must turn around and sell the dream to others. That’s a lousy way to build a business.
The “Pay to Play” aspect of the Four Percent Group is typical of a pyramid scheme. The FTC has been cracking down on these schemes and I can only imagine that the Four Percent Group is on their list. However, in typical Vick Strizheus fashion he’ll be long gone when the law comes.
Thanks for stopping by,
This review is awesome – I had a friend mention this in the last few weeks so I decided to do a bit of researching for myself – I didn’t realise there were all the upsells in the thousands!!! Only members buy and no retail whatsoever – is this for real? Many thanks for sharing this – you indeed have saved me a ton of wasted cash.
Hi, Michael!
I’m glad you found value in my post about the Four Percent Group. It really is nothing more than an excuse to take people’s money. Vick Strizheus has a history of creating outrageously expensive schemes. He should have been locked up years ago. The FTC is cracking down hard on schemes like the Four Percent Group. I’d bet it’s just a matter of time before the FTC catches up with Vick.
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