Can you really find financial independence with World Financial Group? Maybe, but it will cost you, and it won’t be easy. In this World Financial Group Review, I discuss the reality you will face if you join WFG.
Product: Financial Services MLM Business Opportunity
Opinion: Not Recommended.
World Financial Group Review.
“For anyone who still has a dream, begin here.”
These are the first words you are presented with when you browse through the World Financial Group website.
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World Financial Group Sells the Dream.
As a multi-level marketing, or MLM, business, the website does a great job of convincing people that a world of financial freedom will be theirs if they sell financial services as an associate of the company.

The company claims that you can turn your dreams into a reality with their proven duplication process. By using a few simple steps, they claim, you can earn an impressive income while cultivating your leadership skills.
Although you will be in business for yourself, the company constantly assures you that you’ll never be by yourself.
If you decide to join the company, World Financial Group promises to be with you every step of the way!
Sounds pretty amazing to make tons of money with a powerful duplication process, but is World Financial Group a company that can be trusted?
Read Why Affiliate Marketing is Better Than MLM
What Are They Hiding?
Anytime a company sells the dream of financial independence, it’s a huge warning sign they are hiding something. Selling the dream is a signature tactic of Multi-level Marketing companies (MLM).
When I first discovered that this company tries to hide it’s an MLM, I immediately became suspicious. I know most MLMs are only in business to sell dreams, so I began wondering if this one is the same as the others.
You Won’t Be a Business Owner.
During the company’s “Napkin Presentation,” you are initially led to believe that you become a business owner after joining the company.
But then later on in the presentation, the presenter contradicts this statement by proudly claiming that the company has created many jobs in the community. So is the company creating business owners or positions similar to employees?
Ready for this shocker? The truth is that as a member of this MLM business, you are not a business owner. You are a contracted commission sales agent, otherwise known as an unpaid employee.
No License, No Money.
To make matters worse, you can’t even earn money as a contracted commission sales agent unless you undergo lots of training.
After much research, I discovered that you need to have a securities license and an insurance license to earn commissions. Keep in mind that the specialized training to receive these licenses is extremely expensive.
Given the fact that it is difficult to earn money with MLM, do you think it’s a good idea to spend money on expensive training?
Your Upline Steals Your Warm Market.
You can’t sell insurance or financial products until you are licensed. However, someone in your upline who is licensed can sell these products.
Unfortunately, what often happens is your upline expects you to introduce them to your warm market, your family and friends. They then sell to them and by the time you are licensed, your warm market is toast.
Your upline made all the sales and you have to start with a cold market.
In my opinion, this is why they recruited you into World Financial Group. Your upline wants to make money from your family and friends. They used you.
Later, after you’re licensed, you will have to use others to get to their family and friends. It’s bad karma and a lousy way to go through life.
It Ain’t Easy.
As I’m trying to impress upon you, there is a huge misconception that making money with MLM companies is extremely easy, but this belief couldn’t be further from the truth.
Don’t fall for the hype when the presenter in the company’s sales presentation tries to make you believe that earning money with this company is easy. To be successful the video claims that you need to sign up three recruits and then assist them with duplicating the process.
Huge Drop Out Rate.
But to succeed with this company, you must be able to recruit large numbers of people to your team, and doing so is not as easy as it may seem.
Even if you can recruit many people, good luck with convincing them not to quit. When your recruits discover that the system isn’t what they thought it would be, most of them will drop out of the business.
Most People Quit.
Interesting enough, the company expects a large number of people to quit. In their leadership manual, the business refers to this as the Law of Averages, claiming that there will be more quitters than winners. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to get involved with a company that admits they have problems retaining associates.
In my view, it takes a callous soul to churn through large numbers of people, selling false hope, disrupting their lives, causing them to spend money they probably don’t have, and knowing all the time that very few will succeed.
Because of the huge drop out rate, statistically, I think your odds of making money are better in Vegas than with MLM.
You Suffer All Expenses.
The last red flag that I want to point out is that you have to pay all expenses related to operating your business, but you split every dollar of commission you earn with your upline. In my research, I discovered that many misleading MLMs operate this way.
The reason companies love the MLM business model is because it forces most of the operating expense of the company down to the lowest levels while funneling most of the profit up to the top. It’s great for the few at the top, but awful for the many at the bottom.
MLM is a lousy business.
I strongly believe MLM is a lousy way to make money and I DO NOT recommend World Financial Group. My main concern is the fact that the company places too much emphasis on recruiting people and not enough focus on actual financial planning.
Read “The Heartbreak of MLM” to see why I don’t recommend Multi-Level Marketing.
Since the company focuses on recruiting people who are new to the financial services industry, I can’t help but think that their ability to help people financially is limited.
Mistreating Customers.

There appears to be little to no focus on building trusting relationships with their customer and helping them.
Instead, the focus appears to be solely about making money FROM their customers.
World Financial Group knows that a true financial services professional would see through the company’s extremely misleading ways; as a result, such people would know that this business is not a miracle key to success.
Not So Lucrative.
If World Financial Group was as lucrative as they want you to believe, every license financial planner would be rushing to join. But, you don’t see that. The World Financial Group business plan doesn’t tell you to show professional financial planners that they would be making more money and “living their dream” if they joined WFG.
The WFG business plan does just the opposite. It tells you to recruit your friends and family, people who are not financially literate. They know a professional planner would laugh at their so-called opportunity.
Want to BE a Financial Planner?
If you want to be a financial planner, commit to being a professional one. Research reputable financial service companies. Some may pay for your training and pay you a salary as you learn.
If you help your customers and if you build trusting relationships with them, people will seek you out. That’s a lot better than chasing after your friends and family trying to sell them a lame “opportunity” with a dubious MLM company like World Financial Group.
Limited Products.
Another thing, World Financial Group promotes very few products which forces them to have a cookie cutter approach to financial planning.
In other words, they push the same products on everyone regardless of the customer’s financial situation. Pushing the same products on everyone is not financial planning, it’s just sales and a horrible disservice to your customer.
If you want to be a financial planner, go with a company that can address every customer’s unique financial situation. When it comes to money and investing, one size does not fit all.
Just Want to Make Money?
Were you only looking at World Financial Group because you want to make money? That’s a lousy reason to start pitching insurance and mutual funds. There are better, cheaper, easier and faster ways to make money.
What if you could make money without chasing after your family and friends, and without spending a lot of money upfront or wasting time in boring insurance and securities classes. Trust me, very few people find that stuff interesting.
Incidentally, I held a Life Insurance License and a Series 7 Securities License in the 1980s, but I digress.
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A Better Option for You.

Thanks to the internet, there are far better ways to make money. The most reliable strategy for a beginner is probably affiliate marketing.
I’ve been in the business several years and I’m convinced that affiliate marketing is the best shot most people will have at financial independence.
It still takes work, patience and commitment, but I think anyone with basic computer skills can succeed with affiliate marketing.
With the proper training, affiliate marketing is an easy and affordable business to start. You can do everything from home in your pajamas and slippers. And, you don’t have to bug your family and friends.
Another cool thing about affiliate marketing is the earning potential is unlimited. That’s nice.
Try Affiliate Marketing for FREE.
If you’d like to give affiliate marketing a try, you can get started for free with the FREE starter level of the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course. You don’t need a credit card.
When you sign up for the FREE starter level of the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course through any link on this website, I’ll mentor you one-on-one for FREE.
To Learn More, Click Here.
Related Articles:
Why Affiliate Marketing is Better than MLM
How to Evaluate an MLM Company
Is MLM a Scam?
If you found this article helpful, please leave a comment below. Thank you!
Hi, Gary! I indeed found this article useful! At the end of the day, we’re all tired of MLM businesses. The only way we can fall into one is to not notice it’s an MLM. And they usually express that when they’re giving an account of the ways you can earn money with them.Thank you very much for this alert concerning World Financial Group and pointing out it is a MLM. I greatly appreciate the time you have put into this post. It’ll keep me away from it!
You make a very strong case against joining World Financial Group.However,I have additional questions regarding what this group is offering.The name of the company implies that it is a world wide opportunity.However becoming a financial planner in the USA does not help the overseas prospects.Do they offer anything outside the USA ?Any products other than securities and insurance? Furthermore, is there an opportunity for residual income or is all the income from recruiting new associates? I do not share your universal indictment of MLM companies.Their success depends mostly on the quality of the product offered; I can think of Herbalife and Avon as successful MLM in the early stages of those companies.But I strongly agree that affiliate marketing is a much better deal and much more honest.
Hi, Carlos!
My guess is the opportunities outside of the US are dependent on the laws of the specific countries concerned. World Financial Group has a separate Group for Canada. In the US, the financial products sold by WFG do produce residual income.
While I agree some MLM companies are better than others, many are thinly veiled pyramid schemes. And, even with the best, very few make the kind of money promised. Also, MLM is not for everybody, although it is marketed as if it is. In my view, very few people have the energy and personality required to succeed with MLM.
Ultimately, the most anyone can hope for with MLM is to built a business inside a business, which means as an MLM distributor you will always be subject to the limitations and the rules of the company.
Indeed, affiliate marketing is much better.
Thanks for stopping by,
I have seen a lot of similar MLM websites which promises you tons of money but in the end, it is nothing. It is a huge waste of time and money and sometimes it even ends up scamming people the big time.
I am glad that you dedicated some time to create a website which fights with scams and informs people to stay aware online at all cost.
What would you recommend instead of MLM business? I have heard GNLD and Amway business but also heard negative opinions because of MLM as well. Do you know or have you tried or found a good MLM business?
Thanks for a great review and alert.
Hi, Tomas!
I think selling financial products through MLM is very problematic in many ways, particularly when the company pushes recruitment as fiercely as World Financial Group does. Such pressure usually leads to associates cutting corners and violating ethics. I saw this when I sold for A.L. Williams, a company very similar to WFG, and the previous incarnation of Primerica.
MLM is a lousy business model for the little guy. It’s great for the people at the top, but most people will never earn back the money they spend to join an MLM.
You mention GNLD, otherwise known as Neolife, it’s one of the original MLMs and has remained rather small. They have a reputation of high quality products, but their compensation plan is just as confusing as any other MLM. There is a reason MLM make their compensation plan confusing. A confusing compensation plan favors the guys at the top of the organization.
Also, the retail sales of GNLD is not clear. The FTC determines if an MLM is actually a pyramid scheme by thow much of the company’s total revenue is generated by retail sales. I would think that GMLD would make the number of retails sales crystal clear to avoid being confused with a pyramid scheme, but GNLD does not do that. I find their forced auto-ship policy problematic too.
I don’t know of an MLM I would recommend. Success with MLM requires high energy and a relentless drive to recruit. You also need a thick skin and a tolerance for watching a third of your downline quit each month. To succeed with MLM, you must learn to be a top-tier recruiter and manager of people. The big money is made through building huge organizations, not through sales.
If you manage to achieve all of the above, you still only have a business inside a business. You still are subject to whims and rules of the company. In many ways, you are an unpaid employee. This fact leads to the reason companies love the MLM model. It allows them to push the expenses of the company onto the backs of the recruits while at the same time, funneling the majority of the profit to the few people at the top.
Any way you look at it, MLM is a lousy business.
Thanks for stopping by,
Hi Gary,
Great job highlighting the flaws of Financial Services MLM Business Opportunity, I have been searching for a long time online for ways to make money and find it difficult. Looking at their website would nearly make you want to sign up because it is so professional looking.
I’m great full that there is people like you to carry out such reviews and stop people from spending their money on such schemes that will most likely amount to nothing.
Thanks for the honest review! I have been thinking about the World Financial Group whether I should join or not. I know its a MLM company, but still wanted to give it a try.
Now that i’ve read your thorough review about them, I think Imma skip on them. I really love your reviews. Keep up the good work!
Well most MLM setups are always hiding something…but this one really has surprised me!!
So you need two extra, specialised licenses to be able to earn any sort of money out of this system, and is this after you’ve paid your entry free and monthly subscription?
It really troubles me that so many people could get caught out by this, AFTER they have already put some money into the business (I suppose that’s what the owners are hoping for?).
Just out of interest – how much do you think these two licenses will put you back?
HI, Chris!
The Series 7 Securities License costs $265 to take the exam. It does not require that you attend a class or training. Training classes are available outside World Financial Group and their cost varies. I passed my Series 7 exam in the mid 80’s after studying a manual, but it is not an easy exam and I would advise taking a training class and mock exam first.
Life insurance is regulated at the state level and the fees and requirements vary widely. The cost for a basic agent license in the state of Georgia is $63. However, most states also require 40 to 80 hours of training which can get very expensive.
If someone is willing to go to the expense to sale life insurance and securities, I would hope they would work for a company with a better reputation than World Financial Group and similar MLMs.
Thanks for stopping by,
Hey Gary, thank you for a very honest and bold review of the World Financial Group. Having no knowledge about what this company is really about, I would think it sounds like a great deal and would want to get on board, in the hopes of making my dream of financial freedom a reality.
I did join a couple of MLM companies before but it did not take me long to realize it’s my upline who is actually making money out of my recruitment efforts. Although there are MLM’s that are not scams because they have some products to offer, this kind of set up does not sit well with me. I agree with you, MLM is a lousy way to make money and there are far better options.
Hey there! Thanks for taking the time to write this informative and detailed review. I find it quite shocking how they deceive people and how the upline sponsors can steal your leads from you. I’m glad that there are people like you who expose these cons for what they are and show people how they can make real money online.
Thanks and keep up the good work!