Can you really make $10,000 today with Regal Wealth as promised? There’s a lot they don’t tell you in the sales video. Follow me to see the Devil in the details.
Product Website:
Product Cost: Free to join, minimum $250 deposit.
Product Owner: Cannot be determined.
Ranking: NOT Recommended
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What is Regal Wealth?
This review is about the ‘Regal Wealth’ auto-trading platform that promises to make you $10,000 a day. It is not about ‘Regal Wealth Group’ found at that specializes in retirement income. These are two different companies.
When you visit the Regal Wealth website, you are met with a bold promise that “…you can make over $10,000 TODAY!” And you can join Regal Wealth for free.
Watch the sales video and follow Jane Williams as she earns over $4,000 in just eight hours on “100% autopilot.” All she did was press a few buttons on her laptop’s keyboard, and the Regal Wealth trading team did all the rest.
In the sales video, Michael King, the CEO and founder of Regal Wealth, often refers to the “trading team” and how making a lot of money is “part of the service.” Remember these key elements. In a moment, I’ll use them to make a critical point about Regal Wealth and what you can really expect from them.
About midway through the sales video, we meet three people who claim that in 12 months Regal Wealth made them on average $2.4 million dollars on autopilot.
At one point in the sales video, we meet Dominic who tells us that he joined Regal Wealth a year ago and opened a trading account for only $250. Remember that amount as you will see in a moment how $250 fits into the Regal Wealth scheme.
The video narrator explains that Michael King is a former elite Wall Street trader who has made rich clients richer and out of the goodness of his heart offers to help fifty regular people each year become millionaires. Regal Wealth is said to be your opportunity of a lifetime and, if you get in fast enough, you too can become a millionaire.
Is Regal Wealth a Scam?
The story we hear in the Regal Wealth sales video is exciting. Who wouldn’t want to earn $10,000 a day on autopilot? If you joined Regal Wealth based on the sales video, you would be making a huge mistake because nothing in the sale video is true.
Michael King, Jane Williams, Dominic and the three people who claimed to have made $2.4 million in a year with Regal Wealth do not exist. They are characters brought to life by actors paid to play a part.
You will not make $10,000 a day with Regal Wealth, and you will not become a millionaire. If you join Regal Wealth and open a trading account, you will lose your money. The more money you give Regal Wealth, the more money you will lose.
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Get Real! Read the Disclaimer.
Scroll to the bottom of the Regal Wealth website, and you will see a “High-Risk Investment Warning.” Keep reading, and you will learn that you could lose all of your money. Pay close attention to this warning because if Regal Wealth tells you that you could lose all of your money it means you WILL lose all of your money.
Also in the disclaimer, Regal Wealth reveals that it is NOT a financial service company. That’s odd, Michael King implied it was a financial service company and that making $10,000 a day was part of the service.
Keep reading the disclaimer because it gets worse. In the body of the disclaimer, you will discover that binary options trading is not regulated in the United States and that unregulated trading is against the law in the US. How do you like them apples? It gets worse.
Read the Regal Wealth Website Agreement.
Throughout the disclaimer and website agreement, you are warned that trading binary options is highly speculative and that you could lose all of your money. In other words, forget the promises of making $10,000 a day you heard in the sales video. That is not going to happen.
In the website agreement, you will find a very large paragraph called “Videos.” If you are still thinking about joining Regal Wealth, read it and keep reading it until you understand that nothing in the video is true.
Specifically, the video paragraph will tell you that the video is strictly for “promotional purposes” and uses actors and demo accounts. In other words, it’s all fake.
How the Regal Wealth Scheme Works.
When you join Regal Wealth, you will be paired with an advisor who will walk you through the process of opening a trading account. Joining Regal Wealth and opening a trading account is free.
However, before you can start trading, you must fund your trading account. This means you will need to deposit a minimum of $250 of real money into your trading account. Putting $250 of real money into your account is the small scam.
Every dollar you give Regal Wealth is gone forever.
After you deposit $250 into your account, the software goes to work. By the hour, you will see the income numbers in your account increase. It will look like you are making a lot of money on autopilot and that you’re on track to make $10,000 your first day. Except that you aren’t.
The money you gave Regal Wealth went straight into somebody’s pocket. What looks like money in your account are just numbers the software is churning out. It’s not money. You can’t take it out of your account, and you can’t spend it.
The software has only created the illusion that you made a lot of money. If you fall for this trick, they will tell you if you deposited a lot more money, you could be a millionaire in a few months. They will try to talk you into depositing $10,000 or more. Don’t do it. This is the big scam.
If you give them more money, they will keep it and lock you out of your account. That’s the Regal Wealth scam.
There are No Shortcuts to Making Money.
Software that will make you rich does not exist. Any website that promises to make you a lot of fast, easy money is trying to scam you. They are all over the internet. More pop up every day.
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If you found this article helpful or have experience with Regal Wealth , please leave a comment below.
As always it never surprises me to see systems like these that makes a bold statement like these just to get our hard earned money. The amazing thing is that they make such a bold claim. Like I said before one way to tell a scam is if it sounds too good to be true.
Thanks again for sharing this post
Hi, Norman!
I agree, the old adage about scams is true. However, I think for some of us, particularly is we’re struggling or in desperate circumstances, want to believe it is possible to get rich with just the push of a button. Scammers know this and take full advantage of people who need money fast.
I also suspect that some people are addicted to scams. I saw this in my own family. For a brief time, when a scam addict falls for the pitch, they may actually feel like they are rich or that their money problems are gone. Unfortunately, like all addictions, the high doesn’t last.
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Thank you for the heads up on Regal Wealth.
I don’t even look at “opportunities” that imply great wealthy, quick and easy.
Now, if they were to tell me I had a “good” chance to make a lot of money but it was going to take some learning, dedication and some patience……well, that I just might believe.
It would be nice to know about more legitimate opportunities.
Hi, Rick!
You make a great point. Regal Wealth promises you will make a lot of money because they want to make you greedy for the pig in a poke they are selling.
If an offer promises you will make money and how much, you know it’s not a legitimate company. No one can make such a promise. There are too many variables. You might be lazy. The economy might crash.
Last summer, I was asked to help a friend evaluate a pizza franchise. The company was very professional and helpful. It was clear they understood that making a business decision is a process. Although they make a chunk of change for every franchise they sell, they were not in a hurry. Instead they were evaluating us just as closely as we were evaluating them. They only wanted franchisees who would succeed and who would represent their brand professionally.
When my friend asked how much he could expect to earn with a pizza franchise, he was given a chart of formulas. The formulas showed estimated profits based on a long list of variables such as traffic and management’s level of experience. We were reminded that the formulas were based on the average of all the restaurants and not a guarantee of how much my friend’s franchise would earn.
When a company promises you will make lots of money, they are trying to make you greedy for the pig in a poke they are selling. You can bet it will only COST you money.
Thanks for stopping by,
This is another piece of great article with intent to help folks stay out of losing money.
I like the way you plucked the features and pull them out piece by piece.
They should completely be ashamed of themselves, sorry for the rant, may be becuase I was once a victim. But I got my money out before anything funny even began.
They will usually lure you in with a video an telling you how they will make you million while you are asleep. Seriously?
Anyway, thank you for bringing this up. I will surely come back for more.
Hi, Richard!
I agree. The people behind Regal Wealth should indeed be ashamed of themselves. Unfortunately, I suspect they are sociopaths and incapable of feeling shame, remorse or empathy.
I’m sorry to learn you were once a victim of scammers. That’s a hard lesson, but one I’m sure you won’t forget. Most people who have tried to make money online have had to deal with scammers. It’s part of the educational process and a rite of passion.
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This is an awesome information, scammers are everywhere to get the dirty monies from unsuspecting prospects. One of the reason why people are skeptical when it comes to “making money on autopilot” where hard-earned monies got ripped off. We just need to exposed them really quick!
Thanks Gary for this useful piece of information!
Cheers and all the best!
Hi, Mirza!
Regal Wealth is just a garden variety auto-trading scam. Once you see it for what it is, it’s even amusing to watch the video. Unfortunately, many people get scammed for tens of thousands of dollars with these sorts of schemes.
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Wow! This site is a blatant scam then! How is it they are still in business (and not in jail) if they are literally creating an illusion for the sole purpose of stealing peoples money? Seems like naked fraud to me.
Do you know if this site is based off shore or are these people based in the US and still getting away with this somehow? Like you mentioned, this type of trading is illegal in the US right?
Thanks for the heads up Gary!
Hi, Steve!
I was not able to determine where Regal Wealth is based, but it is not in the US. Binary option trading is not regulated in the US and that may be why they are allowed to continue promoting their scam here. Many of these auto-trading scams claim to trade in obscure assets in order to avoid regulation.
The FTC and SEC have warned that unregistered brokers are suspected of stealing the identity of their clients, stealing their client’s money and locking clients out of accounts. There is no way to win with an unregistered broker.
Ultimately, it is up to the individual to safeguard their money and avoid scams. After three years of investigating online scams, I’m convinced that 99% of the make money online offers are scams or worthless. In other words, 99% of the time, it’s better to assume an offer is a scam. If they are promoting free magic software, it’s a blatant scam.
Thanks for stopping by,
What a shame, people fall for that. I trade stock options online, have for about 15 years now. The sad thing is, people have a hard time filteriing out all these scammers like this one.
I tell anybody looking to learn how to invest to try reading the book, “Rule #1”
It is actually kind of interesting, not dry like a lot of other investing books.
Thanks for exposing these scammers though.
Hi, James Underwood!
There is so much misinformation online about investing, I’m convinced most people don’t know what it means to invest. It seems many people confusing throwing money at something and hoping for the best as investing. That is the fastest way to stay poor.
Thanks for suggesting Phil Town’s book “Rule #1.” I’ve not read it, but it’s now on my reading list to read this weekend, thanks to you! From the jacket blurb, it looks to be based on Warren Buffet’s strategy of value investing. I also like that he teaches how to analyse, invest and manage investments in only 15 minutes a week.
Thanks for stopping by,
Hi Gary,
I also tend to be suspicious with money-making schemes that will ask for your money first. Why would I give them my money when I’m also looking for money right?
Thanks for this great analysis and awesome article. I’m sure this is a great help for a lot of unsuspecting would-be entrepreneurs.
Hi, Dean!
Regal Wealth is just another garden variety scam. They don’t even try to earn your trust. Their hype is so thick it looks like entertainment.
Thanks for stopping by,
Hey Gary! Thanks so much for this great exposure to Regal Wealth. Online scams are becoming a deal of the day, but am glad sites like yours are helping to expose this evil and save people like us from losing our hard earned money. l have learned not to feel greedy about their offer and search out for reviews before going into such. The Online Certificate Course you recommended is a good start off for me to Online success.
Cheers and all the best.
Hi, Earn X!
You are so right. The number of online scams are overwhelming. However, there are many commonalities among them. Regal Wealth is a garden variety auto-trading scam. It snags people who believe there is such a thing as magical software that will make them rich. The more desperate they are, the harder they fall for the scam.
Thanks for stopping by,
Hey Gary! Thank You to aware us from these kind of scam. Its really difficult to recognize a scam because they look very lucrative. How can one identify any program that its real or fake? is there some sign through which i can differentiate? Because once i caught up by such scam while finding about online business.
Hi, Preeti!
I appreciate your comment on my Regal Wealth article. Regarding how to spot a scam, if an offer tries to make you feel greedy for their offer, it’s a scam. Unfortunately, once you feel greedy for their offer, you will probably forget this advice and fall head first into their scheme. Assume online guarantees are worthless. Most of them are and cannot be enforced. So, before you give them money, determine what you are risking by getting involved. Can you accept the loss if it is a scam?
Finally, most ‘make-money-online’ offers are scams, overpriced or worthless. Assume an offer is a scam and you’ll be right 99% of the time. If an offer has a genuinely free trial that does not require credit card information, it is probably legitimate.
Thanks for stopping by,
Thanks for the warning! These kinds of things are despicable. I’m actually surprised that they aren’t exposed sooner, on national scales.
I’ve been meaning to ask you – I know that Work From Home Jobs may have some great opportunities. Do you know of any really good product-testing companies that I could partner with and make a good part-time income? Just making a blanket search on Google is overwhelming.
Thanks Gary!
Hi, Jordan!
I don’t know of any companies that would pay you for testing products, at least none I would recommend. All of the so-called product testing companies that I know of are nothing by scams. They trick you into trying a free offer to test, but then you end up buying it.
If you are interested in getting paid to test products I recommend you start a blog where you honestly review products. This can be very lucrative. The Online Entrepreneur Certification Course will show you how to get started. Enrollment is free.
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