Can you really make $519 a day from a secret industry worth over $12 Billion? Sam Smith, the spokesperson for Five Minute Profit Sites says you can. Unfortunately, the big print giveth and the small print taketh away. Follow me to see the Devil in the details.
Product: Five Minute Profit Sites
Owner: Cannot be determined
Price: $37 + multiple upsells.
Opinion: Not Recommended
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What is Five Minute Profit Sites?
Anytime a sales video over promises, you know you’re going to be disappointed. The Five Minute Profit Sites sales video over promises in spades.
A Lot of Hype.
Sam Smith, who is the spokesperson in the video, claims that you can make an insane amount of consistent money with the help of a secret software. Even beginners with no skills or experience can generate a generous income right from the comfort of their own home. Sounds amazing, right?
According to Sam, this innovative point-and-click software will help you make money fast from affiliate marketing, just follow three simple steps: Set up a pre-made website, open a ClickBank affiliate account, and join Aweber.
She claims you can do it all in under five minutes and seventeen clicks. And, you’ll be well on your way to earning $519 a day or much more!
Software Does All the Work?
Just when I thought that things couldn’t get any better, Sam informed the viewers that the product does all the work for you. Imagine that! All you need is just 23 minutes out of your day to make this system work.
Free License?
Since Five Minute Profit Site gives you a free license to use the product, you might think the software is free. Apparently, Sam tries to gain your trust by saying that they’ll be partners with you in exchange for the free software.
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Empty Promises.
According to Sam, money will never leave your pocket. When you make money, they’ll make money. However, the truth is a different kettle of fish and you’ll see that their promise is just a marketing ploy. Don’t you think it sounds too good to be true?
What is Five Minute Profit Sites, Really?
If you thought that Five Minute Profit Sites sounded incredible, that’s precisely what Sam Smith wanted you to think.
However, after reflecting more on the sales video, it’s apparent that it’s definitely not software designed to make you gobs of money fast as Sam claimed. The truth is, you’ll be lucky if you earn anything at all.
The Five Minute Profit Site program doesn’t work as quickly or as easily as Sam says in the sales video. There are many glaring issues that I see with this product. Can you guess them?
Not Really Free.
For starters, let’s answer the question “Is this secret program really free?” Because Sam mentioned that the program was free a thousand times…well not a thousand, but you get my drift. You were probably convinced that you wouldn’t have to pay a dime. Am I right?
Technically Five Minute Profit Site is NOT free. If you watch the video to the end, then you will know this. At the end of the video, Sam claims that you need to pay for the server costs before you can even use the software. The price? $37!!!!
I don’t know about you, but I’m extremely wary of people who claim a product is “free” and then ask you to pay for something later. In my opinion, these are not transparent people. Remember what you learned in kindergarten? Honesty is the best policy. Indeed!
Are you an expert affiliate marketer? You better be if you make the big mistake and buy this product. Because the Five Minute Profit Site doesn’t provide any training that focuses on driving traffic to your website. If you don’t know how to drive traffic to your website, you won’t make any money!
In order to earn the amount of money promised in the sales video, you may have to spend even more money on effective training.
Five Minute Profit Sites Upsells.
Here are the three traffic training upsells: FMPS Faster Profits, FMPS Double Your Profit Sites, and FMPS Traffic Tsunami. The price of the upsells range from $97 to $197. Still thinking this software is free?
ClickBank Products.
Throughout the video, Sam makes it seems like you’ll be marketing products that customers are sure to love.
Unfortunately, Five Minute Profit Sites encourages you to promote ClickBank products. The quality of ClickBank products varies widely and Five Minutes Profit Sites does not show you how to choose a good product. If you promote a low-quality product, you’ll probably have a lot of chargebacks.
Five Minute Profit Sites may not be a scam, but I definitely don’t recommend this extremely misleading product. Of course, you’ll have to make the final decision.
Read the Disclaimer!
No make money online product can guarantee that you will make money. There are too many variables, and no one knows how hard you will work, how lucky you will be, or if the system is even practical.
This is essentially what you will find if you read the Five Minute Profit Sites Earnings Disclaimer. But who reads the Earnings Disclaimer? That’s exactly what the creator of Five Minute Profit Site is counting on.
The sales page giveth and the Earnings Disclaimer taketh away. If you based your decision to buy Five Minute Profit Sites on the sales video, you would think that you’ve discovered the secret to earning big money quickly and easily. You haven’t.
All you’ve discovered is a quick and easy way to throw away $37.
The Last Word on Five Minute Profit Sites.
Any time a sales video promises you can make a lot of money quickly and easily, they are just trying to make you feel greedy for the pig in a poke they are selling.
Greed is a Trap.
When you feel greedy for something, you cannot make a rational decision about it. Greed makes us stupid. It’s a weakness of the human mind.
When a sales video relies on making you feel greedy, it’s a dead give away that the product has no value. If the product actually had value and solved a problem the sales video would focus on that.
The Five Minute Profit Site sales video never mentions anything specific. All we get are catchphrases designed to make us feel greedy like “start in only 5 minutes,” “Shockingly profitable,” and “Make consistent income from a secret industry.”
In other words, Five Minute Profit Sites wants you to believe their system is pure magic!
There is No Secret Industry.
If you believe there is a secret industry that will make you rich, or a secret formula that will make you rich, or a magic button that will make you rich, you are vulnerable to scams and unethical marketers. And, worse, you’ll never make more than chump change online.
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A Better Option.
People make money online every day. Some have even become wealthy, but they don’t do it with silly programs like Five Minute Profit Sites.
People who make money online have learned a few basic internet marketing skills and put them into action. People who make a lot of money online have built on the basics over time and nurtured an online business until it generated the revenue they desired.
You can do the same thing if you have the motivation and patience.
It starts with learning the basic skills. The place to learn is the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course. The first lessons are free, no credit card needed.
If you found this article helpful or have experience Five Minute Profit Sites, please leave a comment below. Thank you.
All right, how convenient about the Five Minute Profit Sites Earnings Disclaimer. They tell you it’s so easy and free, but yet prepare a disclaimer to let you know it ”depends” and there are many ”variables” to worry about? From the name itself, a complete newbie would understand that you can start making profits in five minutes!! Which is very misleading.
And why would I have to pay for the server costs? What do I get in return for my $37? Hosting? Training? What exactly? It’s far easier to uncover these questionable internet products than I thought, and you did a good job bringing out the red flags.
From my experiences online, I’ve learned that it takes time, effort, consistency to build a lucrative and sustainable online business. Anyone looking for a magic potion to getting rich online quick will definitely walk the path to frustration and depression. Great informative post, keep up the great work.
Hi, Stunning Bell!
You’re right. If you can look at an offer like Five Minute Profit Sites unemotionally and not get caught up in the hype, it’s easy to see the red flags. The entire sales pitch is designed to make a person react emotionally, preferably with greed. Once we react emotionally our rational brain shuts down and they have us. That’s the goal of the sales pitch to sell us a dream of making a lot of money quickly and easily.
Thanks for pointing out that it takes work to build a profitable online business. Commitment and patience are also essential. The good news is, anyone with the desire who can write an email and surf the internet can build a successful online business. Yes, it take time and effort, but any legitimate business does.
Thanks for stopping by,
All right, how convenient about the Five Minute Profit Sites Earnings Disclaimer. They tell you it’s so easy and free, but yet prepare a disclaimer to let you know it ”depends” and there are many ”variables” to worry about? From the name itself, a complete newbie would understand that you can start making profits in five minutes!! Which is very misleading.
And why would I have to pay for the server costs? What do I get in return for my $37? Hosting? Training? What exactly? It’s far easier to uncover these questionable internet products than I thought, and you did a good job bringing out the red flags.
From my experiences online, I’ve learned that it takes time, effort, consistency to build a lucrative and sustainable online business. Anyone looking for a magic potion to getting rich online quick will definitely walk the path to frustration and depression. Great informative post, keep up the great work.
It never seems to stop with these scammers that promise you a dream making these false claims just to get your hard earned dollar. These promises are just a trap to get your money. No way can you be a newbie at this game and make that kind of money. Thanks for sounding the alarm so that persons can stay clear of programs like these.
You are absolutely right and thank you for taking the time to review and expose another scam such as this,
One thing I have noticed in this industry is that people are preying on people fears of poverty and life without fulfillment to make money. That is why all these hypes will never go away as some people still buy into it.
Secondly, a lot of people are generally lazy and are not ready to put in little effort. The expect some software to do the magic.
Appreciate your reviewing this and I will keep an eye out for more.
Hi, Richard!
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I agree that products like Five Minute Profit Sites are predatory. As you mentioned, there is a huge market of people who want to make money as quickly and as easily as possible. And, there is a much smaller market of people who are searching for the honest truth about making money online.
If someone wants to make money online, they must first determine if they are willing to become a student of the internet and do the work. If they are not ready to put in the effort and learn the skills, they will continue to fall for scams and unethical marketing.
Once you have the proper skills, making money online is indeed faster and easier than making money offline, but it still takes time and work. The free starter level of the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course is the place to start.
Thanks for stopping by,
Thank you for writing a review on five minute profit sites as I believe there needs to be more watchdog websites like yours that help protect innocent people from buying into scams like 5 minute profit sites.
All too often I see programs like this 5 minute profit site and I’m wondering if it’s the same person producing multiple scam sites. I have joined your program that you have recommended( through WA ) when starting an online business I have been with them for over 6 months and I think this is the honest way of making money for starting a business online.
I like to thank you once more for writing an honest review about 5 minute profit site which I will definitely stay away from.
A $12Billion secret industry sounds incredibly intriguing! I get so tired of all the upsells that so many of these courses hammer you with. Just give me a product that works, at a fair price and let’s go. Thanks for saving the $37 and the time to review this program, it definitely sounds like there are better options in the market. Do you know of any other programs that Sam Smith promotes? I would like to be on the lookout if there are. Thanks again for your very upfront review, I appreciate it.
Hi, Steve!
I’m in complete agreement with you about up sells. What most marketers call an up sell is really a bait and switch. Five Minute Profit Sites is a case in point.
When you order french fries at McDonalds and the cashier says for thirty cents more you can get large fries, that’s an up sell. When a marketer charges $37 for an initial offer and then hammers you with a $49 offer and a $99 offer and a $199 offer BEFORE they deliver the product you paid for, that’s bait and switch. The initial offer was just to get your credit card number. It’s a betrayal of trust.
Fortunately, people are wising up and the old unethical methods are not as profitable as they once were.
Thanks for stopping by,