The Accelerated Income Program promises you can start earning money within 25 minutes of joining without prior experience or special skills. They even appear to be endorsed by CNN and Fox News. However, there is more to the story. Follow me to see the Devil in the details.
Product: Accelerated Income
Price: $27, plus endless upsells
Owner: Susan Whitman (Probably a pseudonym)
Opinion: Not Recommended.
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What is the Accelerated Income Program?
The Accelerated Income Program promises you can change your life and start earning money within 25 minutes of joining. They also promise you can get paid just for trying their offer. That won’t happen.
The Accelerated Income Program claims you don’t need any experience or special skills either, but you better hurry because there are limited positions in your area.
Is this a job opening? Nope.
A CNN video segment plays at the top of the website. On the video, a businesswoman discusses ways to make money from home. The implication of this video segment is the Accelerated Income Program was featured on CNN. It wasn’t.
To impress upon you further that the Accelerated Income Program is endorsed by major media outlets, the trademarked icons of major news outlets are displayed at the top of the website. These icons include Fox News, MSNBC, USA Today, ABC, and CNN.
However, details in the disclaimer at the bottom of the site state that none of these news companies have endorsed the Accelerated Income Program. Also, the Accelerated Income Program website is similar to dozens of other websites leading to similar offers. These near-clone websites include Auto Home Profit, Ultimate Home Profits, Work at Home EDU, Home Cash Code, Daily Web Biz and others.
More Outlandish Claims.
If you complete the form with your name, email and zip code, you’ll be taken to another page with more outlandish claims.
The second page plays a video segment from USA Today that discusses making money online. However, again this video segment has nothing to do with the Accelerated Income Program.
On this second page, you are reminded there are only a few openings in your area. You are also told to read the job report to see if you qualify. Why would they say this when on the previous page they said you didn’t need any skills or experience?
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Is it a Job?
On the second page, you’ll find in bold letters a rather odd statement. It says, “If you can spare 60 minutes a day, we can offer you a certified, proven and guaranteed home based business job to make $379/day from home!”
Is the Accelerated Income Program a job? No, it’s not a job.
Evidence of a Scam.
This same odd phrase is noted in the Federal Trade Commission’s investigation of a company known as Apply Knowledge. In this investigation, the FTC determined that Apply Knowledge scammed people for up to $12,000 by charging their credits cards for worthless make money online products. Read about the investigation here.
Is it an Opportunity?
Beneath this incriminating odd phrase of making $379 a day, you’ll find another curious phrase. It says, “Recently this work at home opportunity has received a lot of media attention. All positions for the program are filling up quickly.”
Is the Accelerated Income Program a work at home opportunity? No, it’s not a work at home opportunity.
The sales page continues with endless smiling faces and tortured language suggesting that the Accelerated Income Program is an easy dream job that pays $379 a day and more. There are dozens of testimonials from people claiming to have made big money with the program. Don’t believe it. Read the earning disclaimer. The link is at the bottom of the page.
In the last paragraph of the earning disclaimer, you’ll see “All testimonials have been remunerated.” All the people singing the praises of Accelerated Income Program were paid to say what they said.
Plus, you are promised you get everything you need to start making money today. You’ll even get your own professional internet expert to help you.
If you read the disclaimer, you’ll see that you do not get everything you need to start making money and you do not get an internet expert either. What you get is totally different and far more dangerous. In a moment, I’ll explain how dangerous it is.
What is the Accelerated Income Program, Really?
At the bottom of the page, we are told the Accelerated Income Program is a membership website that claims to teach how to make money by posting links on the internet.
In other words, it’s a whole lot of nothing. You won’t make money by just posting links online.
If you want to know what the Accelerated Income Program really is, you must to read the disclaimer. You’ll find it at the bottom of the page and written in tiny words. It’s difficult to read. Zoom in to discover the truth.
The Accelerated Income Program disclaimer says, “This is a program to teach you how to use recommended products and services in an internet-based business. . .. It is not intended to provide you with all you will need for an internet based business. Remember this is an educational system and not a business venture.”
In other words, the Accelerated Income Program is an “educational system” that will teach you how to use “recommended products.” More specifically, it means if you buy the Accelerated Income Program you are paying them to sell you more stuff.
It Gets Worse.
On the surface, the Accelerated Income Program is a membership site that claims to teach you how to make money by posting links on the internet. Technically this is how affiliate marketers make money online. In real life, however, it is not as simple as just posting links. There is a lot more to making money online and to learn it properly can take months.
The Accelerated Income sales page intentionally misleads you because they are not about helping you make money. They are about getting as much of your money as they can.
All the hype and false promises are designed to trap you into a very expensive sales funnel where professional telemarketers will hound you to buy expensive make money online products.
Remember earlier when I mentioned the so-called internet professional who will help you? That’s not an internet professional, that’s a telemarketer. And, she’s not here to help you. She’s here to help herself to as much of your money as she can get.
In my opinion, you won’t make money with the Accelerated Income Program. You’ll only lose money.
There is No Secret.
If you believe there is a secret to making money online, you will fall for scams like the Accelerated Income Program. The only secret to making money online is there is no secret.
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How to Make Money Online the Right Way.
You CAN make money online. You CAN work from home and support yourself and your family. You can even become rich.
However, you won’t do it immediately. And, you won’t do it with a single dubious make-money-product that promises to blast you off into the money-making stratosphere.
Making money online is a lot like making money offline.
Have you ever made money immediately after buying a make money product? Probably not. Have you ever just waltzed into a situation where you made money immediately without knowing any skills? It’s doubtful.
Making money without skills or offering value doesn’t happen. It doesn’t happen offline, and it doesn’t happen online either.
You can make money online. If you want, you can make a lot of money, but first, you must learn the necessary skills. The place to start is the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course. Enrollment is free, and the first 10 lessons are free too. You even get two free websites.
The Online Entrepreneur Certification Course will show you how to make money online the right way and how to build your own online business that earns 24/7.
To learn more, Click Here.
If you found this article helpful, or have experience with Accelerated Income Program, please leave a comment below. Thank you!
Hi, Gary. Seems to me that I came across something like the Accelerated Income Program last year, but I didn’t look at it very closely. I’m glad that you did and that you wrote your review. I guess there will be scams online as long as there are gullible people who fall for them. It just makes things harder for the legitimate businesses. Thanks for your post.
Hi, Grant!
As long as people believe they can make fast easy money, they will fall for scams. When has anyone ever purchased a secret method and made money instantly? It doesn’t happen.
People make money when they exchange a product or service for it. If someone wants to make money online, they must first learn how to exchange a product or service for it. That’s what the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course teaches.
Thanks for stopping by,
Hi Gary,
This accelerated Income Program sounds really, really dodgy. I’ve actually come across a few other make money sites that sounds suspiciously similar to this one in what they offer. I also see you mention some others that are clones of this, so there must be a lot of them out there.
It seems like there are more scams than there are decent platforms on the internet these days. It makes it hard to discover something worthwhile. I’ll take a look at the program you personally recommend.
Hi, Darren!
Yes, there are tons of sites online that are very similar to the Accelerated Income Program. Most of them lead to the link posting product, but a few lead to MOBE. The ones that lead to the link posting product either pitch a link posting PDF or a membership site. Either one is just the beginning of a very deep and very expensive sales funnel.
Really all the product is for is to get a persons phone number and credit card information. Then the telemarketers start calling to pitch more stuff. All of it is just an excuse to charge as much as possible to a person’s credit card.
Thanks for stopping by,
Thanks Gary this is a great review, appreciate you taking the time to share. I love your highlight that they describe themselves as a JOB! Aren’t we all trying to escape from our jobs for greater freedom and autonomy. But I feel like you’ve saved me some time and money. Cheers!
Hi, Fleur!
You are so right. It does seem odd that they would promote their offer as a job. We are trying to escape the dreaded 9 to 5. I haven’t had a job in many years and would never wish that on anyone except as a survival measure.
The wording in the Accelerated Income Program is very odd and can be read as a job or an opportunity or perhaps whatever you want to believe it is. The bottom line is in the disclaimer and that says it’s just a stupid membership site.
Thanks for stopping by,
I’ve come across this Accelerated Income program before in many forms: Automated Daily Income, Cash From Home, and Home Job Source, to name a few.
It seems that the scammers want their greedy hands on as much of the “make money online” world as possible by re-inventing the same scam time and time again.
They just never quit! More to the point, newbies still never learn to avoid these pitfalls either lol.
The only thing Accelerated Income will be doing is speeding away with your cash!
Cheers for the review, Gary.
Hi, Neil!
Good to see you here. Yes, you are so right, Accelerated Income is just another pimple from the scammers who brought us Automated Daily Income and an endless string of websites just like it.
For the die hard wannabe internet marketer, scams are an expensive education. Until the wannabe learns that there is no magic way to make money online, they will fall for the false promises. The good news is once the wannabe wises up and joins a real program that wants to help them, they are on their way.
Thanks for stopping by,
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! There are so many people out there that won’t tell you the truth. Usually because they want you to join too or because they don’t know. There are so many of these types of sites out there. Thank you for being one of the people to actually put it out there that it is not always what it seems.
Hi, Alexis!
I appreciate your appreciation. The Accelerated Income Program is a real stinker and the people behind it have ruin a lot of dreams. It is essential to always read the disclaimer and to never buy into a program when we’re emotional. We simply cannot make good decisions when we’re emotional.
Thanks for stopping by,
Wow, why are people like that? Do they not understand that they get more satisfaction by helping people instead of scamming?
Thanks for sharing the info.
Hi, Mary-Ann!
I agree. I suspect scammers are mentally ill or at least have a personality disorder. They are probably sociopaths. We can save them. We can only avoid their scams.
Thanks for stopping by,