Can you really make $500 a day with only five minutes of work? Mo says you can with the Affiliate Millionaire Club. Closer examination raises some key questions such as; What is Affiliate Millionaire Club and is Affiliate Millionaire Club a scam? Keep reading to see the Devil in the details.
Product Website:
Product Cost: $47 plus upsells.
Product Owner: Mo?
Opinion: Not Recommended
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What Is Affiliate Millionaire Club?
When I visited the Affiliate Millionaire Club website, the first thing I noticed was it does not say Affiliate Millionaire Club anywhere on the website. Why don’t they put their name on their website?

An honest business wants you to know who they are and what they do. It’s called branding. Branding helps a legitimate business grow. Affiliate Millionaire Club deliberately avoids branding for a reason, probably because their reputation stinks.
The second thing I noticed was a blue box claiming there were only “8 Daily Membership Slots Still Available.” Do you really think if a 9th person wanted to give Affiliate Marketing Club money they would be turned down? Of course not. That nonsense about limited openings is just amateur marketing.
All Hype No Value.
As a rule of thumb, the more marketing and hype required to sell a product, the less value that product has. If you found a hundred-dollar bill on the ground, no one has to tell you it’s valuable. You know it’s valuable!
By the same token, the harder Affiliate Millionaire Club tries to convince you their offer is valuable, the more you know it’s not valuable at all.
The sales video on the Affiliate Millionaire Club website is narrated by a character who calls himself Mo, like one of the three stooges. Mo explains that he makes millions of dollars online and will make money for you too.
The video rambles on for about 20 minutes and most of it is Mo bragging about making lots of money. Occasionally, someone will give a testimonial about how they are making lots of money thanks to Mo. Ain’t Mo swell?
Fibber Steve.
In the first testimonial, an old-timer, let’s call him Old Man Steve because that’s his Fiverr name, says he’s making $550 a day and works only 5 minutes a day to get it. Honestly, do you believe that? Please tell me you don’t.
Old Man Steve will say anything. That’s what he gets paid to do. You can hire him on Fiverr. Pay him ten bucks and he’ll say Affiliate Millionaire Club is a complete scam. Go here to see Old Man Steve’s Fiverr Profile.
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Is Affiliate Millionaire Club a scam?
The Affiliate Millionaire Club is not a club and it won’t make you a millionaire either. However, it will make you about $47 lighter in the wallet.
As the Affiliate Millionaire Club sales video rambles along with promises of making thousands of dollars a day, it’s difficult to figure out what the heck Mo is offering. Apparently, he has already made a website for you and it’s already earning money. You just have to open an account to claim it.
If Mo really could build a money-making website, why would he give it away to a stranger? It defies logic. If you could create a money-making website, would you give it away?
Mo claims he’s giving you a website because when you make money, he makes money. This doesn’t add up either. He showed us in the video that the website is already making money without us. Crazy logic. I think Mo is telling us a whopper.
It’s a Membership Site.
I don’t recommend it, but if you join Affiliate Millionaire Club, you will have access to website building software, very basic affiliate marketing training and products to promote. As a member, you’ll be permitted to build 10 websites and host them for free.
Each of the websites you build with Affiliate Millionaire Club will be a subdomain site which means you will not own it. That’s a problem because you will be building a business on a website you ultimately do not control. Why bother. Building a business you do not own is a waste of your money, time, and energy.
Auto-Generated Websites Don’t Work.
If you use the Affiliate Millionaire Club software to build a website, it will be like all the other websites that software has made. The search engines hate those kinds of websites.
About 20 Google generations ago, cookie-cutter websites made money. Then Google changed its algorithm to favor unique and original website content. When that happened, all the cookie-cutter websites were sent to the back of the search results. Now, a website that looks the same as dozens of other websites will never be found online.
Poor Training Materials.
The training materials inside Affiliate Millionaire Club are extremely basic and would only help the newest of the newbies. Most subjects are explained with a mere paragraph or two of text. It appears the material has not been updated in at least a year, probably longer. That makes Affiliate Millionaire Club an antique in the online world.
If you’re going to build an internet business, you want the most up to date information available and you want to know what works now, not what worked last year.
I’m a big fan of affiliate marketing, but not the way Affiliate Millionaire Club promotes it. Affiliate Millionaire Club violates the industry’s best practices and every principle of online business.
It’s not enough to have a website and a product. You also need visitors to your website and you need your visitors to be interested in what you are promoting. Affiliate Millionaire Club glosses over these details to leave you with a subpar website that will never be found in the search engines and promoting junky products no one wants. That’s an exercise in futility.
You Will NOT Make Money with Affiliate Millionaire Club.
If you scroll to the bottom of the Affiliate Millionaire Club, you’ll find written in small, hard to read text, the Affiliate Millionaire Club earning disclaimer. The last line of the disclaimer is probably the only true statement on the entire website. It says, “The typical purchaser may not make any money using this system.”
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If you found this article helpful or have experience Affiliate Millionaire Club, please leave a comment below. Thank you.
A nicely written exposure of a scam site. You had me chuckling at the exposure of Old Man Steve! So the millionaire behind the Millionaire Club thought he’d save a few bob by hiring Old Man Steve instead of getting a professional job done. LOL!
I guess that means that, apart from the “program” owner, Old Man Steve is one of the few to have profited from any dealings with the site.
Seriously though, you’re doing a great job with these scam reviews, and your witty style nicely punctures the hype.
Hey Gary,
To be quite honest with you the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the Affiliate Millionaire Club was this just looks cheesy and I didn’t even take it seriously.
In terms of the only 8 slots available, that is a marketing trick. It’s basically just a way to pressure people into making an impulse buy. They put the pressure on you that you won’t be able to get in the system unless you hurry.
Haha, Mo is what he calls himself. Couldn’t he have thought anything better than that? I couldn’t even sit through the first 5 minutes of him rambling about nonsense!
Wow, using testimonials from Fiverr. Doesn’t even change the “actors” name. Mo or whatever his name really probably needs to go back to the drawing board on this one!
I think you pretty uncovered this gimmick!
Hi, Garen!
Sometimes, when I discover a scam, I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. Apparently, scams like Affiliate Millionaire Club are making money, so I have to assume they are successful to some degree in scamming people.
While we look at their scheme with cold and unemotional eyes, I suspect most people arrive on the Affiliate Millionaire Club website emotionally charged with high hopes. The most vulnerable are probably desperately trying to find a solution to their dire financial situation. They want to believe they’ve found the answer when all they found is more financial loss.
Thanks for stopping by,
HI Gary!
I love your site first of all. In my search for how to earn money online, I have found very fast that scammers will stop at nothing to get your money. My favorite ones are those that pull out their earnings stats to show how many millions they’ve earned in a week. Of course, the names are always blacked out. Most don’t even bother to hide the dates of those stats which show the year 2001. and such. I no longer find it hilarious because unfortunately, they are probably fooling lots and lots of innocent people to this day. You are absolutely right about everything you’ve said. Hopefully, lots of people will see your site and take notice.
Best regards,
Hi, Lupe!
The internet makes it easy to pretend we’re someone else. Scammers like to pretend they’re wealthy so you’ll give them your money. That’s a lousy way to earn a living. As you suggested, making money online is a lot like making money offline. It takes work. Actually, it takes working smart.
It’s true if you do it right, you can make money online faster and make more of it than working offline, but that doesn’t mean you can make money by pushing a button or with magic software. For those who will take the time to learn the skills and take action, it’s possible to have a very successful online business within a year or two. It takes a willingness to learn, commitment and of course, work. There’s that word again, work.
Thanks for stopping by,
Thanks for a great review. You have saved me from trying out this website. I have heard that auto-generated websites don’t work because they do not provide valuable information and like you mentioned, they look exactly like other websites that people using the same program are creating. I just wanted to confirm whether they used this technique or not and your review has made it clear for me. It’s best to stay away from this.
Hi, Reyhana!
I call scams like Affiliate Millionaire Club “magic software scams” because they all claim to have magic software that will make you rich. Legitimate brokers who are registered with the SEC will not claim to have magic software that will make you rich. On the contrary, legitimate brokers won’t even let you trade options or Forex without you first proving to them that you know what you are doing.
Thanks for stopping by,
I am was looking to get into affiliate marketing with my new blog when I came across this club thing. My instinct tell me to be cautious, and after reading this review, I am glad to stay away from it.
For one, I don’t believe in auto-generated website. Having studied a bit of SEO, I understand that originality and real engagement is what Google wants to see on their top results. Even for beginners, WordPress is still the best platform and you can’t go wrong with that.
Hi, Cathy!
I agree. Auto-generated websites are not going to get any traffic from the search engines. Also, if someone wants to be successful online, they need to invest the time to learn how to make websites and create original content. It’s not that difficult. As you pointed out, WordPress takes the headache out of building websites.
Thanks for stopping by,
Hi Gary!
The Affiliate Millionaire’s Club sounds like a waste of time and money!
I’ve spent so much money and time paying for membership sites and product that were supposed to help me make money like this one but its was an epic fail!
Until I came across Wealthy Affiliate I didn’t think nothing worked.
But WA is definitely the best option out there to teach you everything you need to know about making money online. You can also make money with the program if you do the work. What you put in is what you will get out.
I had stopped paying for membership sites. But Wealthy Affiliate has won my heart and I’m glad I am here. This review just confirmed for me the smart I choice I made signing up to WA!
Hi, Jamie Clay!
Affiliate Millionaire Club is indeed a waste of time and money. I agree, Wealthy Affiliate is the place to learn how to really make make money online. For those who are interested, they can try Wealthy Affiliate for free by enrolling in the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course. Click here to learn more.
Thanks for stopping by,