People make money online every day. More and more people are quitting their jobs because they’ve learned to make money on the internet. And, around the world, people are lifting themselves out of poverty by building online businesses. This is true. This is a reality. And it’s a growing trend.
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Beware the Online Scam.

In a moment, I’ll show you what it takes to succeed online and where you can learn the skills you’ll need, but first, let’s talk about scams. The road to online success passes through some very dangerous territory. Scams are everywhere. If you don’t know what to look for, you’ll quickly learn some hard and expensive lessons.
Once you’ve lost money online, it’s doubtful you’ll ever get it back. My advice is to consider it a lesson learned and move on. I’ll show you how to spot make money online scams, so it never happens again. If you follow my simple rules, you’ll be scam proof. If you’ve been scammed, you may wish to read this article What to do When You Get Scammed.
What is a Scammer?
A scammer uses deception to trick you out of your money. They are skilled at using your emotions against you and making you feel responsible for getting scammed. They will blame you and believe you deserve to be scammed. In the past, a scammer would have been called a con artist. Because scammers lack empathy, they are probably a sociopath.
Scams have been around since the beginning of time. Now the internet brings them into our homes on a daily basis. If you are trying to learn how to make money online, you may discover you must face down legions of scams before you find what you are searching for. This article will help you safely navigate through the minefield on online scams and find the good stuff.
Because so many online scams pretend to be “investment opportunities,” I suggest you also read my article “How to Invest.”
It’s all in your head.
The truth is, most people who try to make money online are looking for something that is quick and easy. They want a shortcut, a gimmick. There isn’t one. So get that notion out of your head.
As long as you believe there is some secret system that will make you rich, you will be vulnerable to scammers. The scammers prey on people’s impatience, desperation, and greed. Control these emotions in and you will be far less vulnerable.
Let’s get personal.

Long before the internet was ever dreamed of, there was an industry selling so-called “opportunities.” There was even a magazine called Opportunity. It was loaded front to back with ads for make money systems.
The reason there is an industry selling so-called “opportunities” is that there are legions of “opportunity seekers,” millions of people who are desperate to live a better life, quit their job, get out of debt and to finally be respected. I know. I was one of them.
The problem is most of these opportunity seekers don’t have a clue about how to build a profitable business. They are in so much emotional pain they believe the scammers’ false promises, hoping, this time, it will be different, this time, it will work. It never does.
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Stop being an opportunity seeker.
I think being an opportunity seeker is kind of like being an addict. It was for me. When I bought into an “opportunity,” I felt good. I was filled with renewed optimism. That feeling was addictive.
Here’s the thing I finally realized, and the thing I want you to understand too, as long as you chase “opportunities” you will never succeed. Opportunity products are not designed to make you successful. They are designed to separate you from your money, and that is all they will do.
Stop being an opportunity seeker.
Be an entrepreneur.
Here’s the difference. An opportunity seeker believes there is a secret button or software or system that will magically turn the internet into their own private ATM. On the other hand, an entrepreneur knows that if he wants to make money online, he will have to build a business. Building a real, honest-to-goodness business takes sustained effort. It takes time.

Successful online businesses are built on the same principles as successful offline businesses. They are built on integrity and service and a willingness to solve people’s problems or help people fulfill their desires. In other words, real businesses create value for the customer.
The internet gives an entrepreneur a tremendous advantage once he has learned some basic skills. Also, starting a business online costs very little money. It’s even possible to start without spending a dime. I’ll show you how.
The Secret to Making Money Online.
The secret to making money online is to help people get what they want.
The internet is nothing more than a highly sophisticated communications network. The keyword here is “communications.” For the first time in human history, an obscure individual in the middle of nowhere is connected to billions of people around the world.
If that individual has a real, honest-to-goodness business that solves people’s problems or fulfills their desires, AND people come to know, like and trust her, that individual will make money…possibly a lot of money.
Take the Long View.

While the internet can connect you with billions of people, it will take time for them to find you and to realize you offer something of value and get to know, like and trust you. It’s important to be patient when you’re building your online business and to take the long view.
You’ll have to learn some new skills. I’ll talk more about that in a minute. For now, I hope you have abandoned the opportunity seeking mentality and embraced being an entrepreneur. Just to be sure you never get scammed again, I’ll tell you my secrets for spotting a scam a mile away.
It begins with understanding the difference between manipulating the search engines and creating value for the customer.
Manipulation vs. Creating Value.
In the world of make-money-online products, there are two schools of thought. One is to manipulate the search engines with gimmicks and software so your website artificially ranks high. The other school of thought is to honestly create valuable content that helps people solve their problems or fulfill their desires.
Manipulating the search engines is a losing battle. The search engines are getting smarter by the minute. The primary purpose of search engines is to deliver to the user what they are searching for. If you trick the search engines into believing your website is valuable, when it isn’t, your website won’t be there for long.
You could work for months to rank with these manipulative methods and then see your website banned from the search engines forever. All your work will be for naught, and you’ll have to start over.
OR…you could simply create valuable content that really does help the people who visit your website. That’s the honest way to do it. That’s the way to build an online business. If you do that, the search engines will love your website and reward you with traffic.
How to Spot Make Money Online Scams.
Now that you know what it really takes to make money online, you are better prepared to spot scams. However, I can make it even easier for you to avoid getting ripped off.
Here are my rules for spotting make money online scams a mile away.
Rule #1: Can you try it before you buy it?

If you cannot try it for free without plugging in your credit card number, it’s probably a scam.
A genuine make money online product is focused on helping you learn the skills you need to succeed online. It’s not a one-shot blast off. Instead, it’s continual training and support that keeps you on track as you journey towards online success.
If the offer is legitimate, you’ll be given the chance to thoroughly investigate it at your leisure.
Think of it as checking out a college before you enroll. It shouldn’t cost you to check out a learning program online.
Rule #1 trumps all other rules. There are more rules, but if you just remember rule #1, your risk of getting scammed will be minuscule.
Rule #2: Assume online guarantees are worthless.
Scammers all have some sort of guarantee, but you have no way of making them honor it. This is why it’s so important to be able to try before you buy without giving out your credit card info.
When you give someone your money online, you probably will never get it back. Refer to Rule #1.
Rule #3: Beware the Dime Sale.

You get an email offering you an insane make money offer that guarantees you’ll soon be making thousands of dollars and it only costs $10, or $7, or $5, or some ridiculously affordable price. That’s the dime sale.
The scammer is dangling the bait under your nose.
Once you bite and give them your credit card info, you will be immediately offered something a little more expensive; maybe it costs $19 or $29. You haven’t even gotten the thing you paid $10 for, and they are already trying to dig deeper into your wallet.
STOP RIGHT THERE and run the other way. Cut your losses with the $10 purchase.
If you keep going, you will be met with a more expensive offer, say $49 or $79. You get the idea. They hooked you with the dime sale, and now they are reeling you in.
This offer is not about learning anything that will help you. It’s about the scammer grabbing as much of your cash as he can get. When you are offered a dime sale, the scammer is using a very powerful psychological trick against you.
Once you buy in at the low price, your subconscious wants to prove that you made the right decision and will be inclined to buy the next offer and the next to prove that you did indeed make a smart move.
Don’t fall for this. Cut your loses as soon as you’re offered an upsell. If you got this offer in an email, unsubscribe. Whoever sent you this offer is only trying to get your money.
Rule #4: Beware of artificial urgency.
The real opportunity the internet has created isn’t going anywhere.

If you are presented with a make money online offer but are rushed to make a decision, it’s a scam. The SOB making the offer has created an artificial sense of urgency to try and force you to make a hasty decision. The scammer knows if you have time to think about it, you’ll see it as the worthless offer it is.
Sometimes a legitimate offer will have a timer as well. The difference is how much time you have to make a decision. No one can make a good decision under pressure. Typically, a legitimate offer will first give you a free trial and the timer is for a discount on what you have already tried.
The way to decide if a timer is part of a scam or not is to ask yourself what you are risking. If a countdown timer is pressuring you to make a hasty decision that will cost you money, it’s probably a scam. However, if the countdown timer gives you days to make a decision and you have a free trial to thoroughly evaluate the offer it’s probably legit.
Flashing money and luxury items are blatant attempts to press your greed button. Once your brain trips into greed mode, they have you. They are playing you for a fool. It’s insulting. Steer clear.
Rule #6: Read the Disclaimer.
Always read the disclaimer. A typical scam will be all love and sunshine up front in the big print and then take it all back in the disclaimer.
If there is no disclaimer or you are blocked from accessing it, it’s a scam. If the disclaimer is confusing, it’s a scam.
A scammer will use the disclaimer to legally cover their backsides. Be sure to read it.
Rule #7: Search for the Offer Online
If you are still in doubt, take the time to research the offer online. See what others have to say. Keep in mind that positive reviews do not mean it’s not a scam. Often affiliates for a product will create glowing reviews in hopes of you buying it through their link.
If you find a positive review but there’s an affiliate link in the review, take it with a grain of salt. Also, search for the offer name plus the word “complaints.”
Rule #8: Don’t Give Out Your Phone Number.
Your phone number is valuable. Do not give your phone number to an online business you do not know, like and trust. Scammers want your number for one reason. They want to call you. Specifically, they want to sic professional telemarketers on you. This is annoying at best and can cost you a ton of money and may cause your identity to be stolen. There is an online industry that is constantly gathering information on us and then selling this information to the highest bidder. Your phone number is a key factor in assembling a complete identity package.
How to Start an Online Business from Scratch.
Let’s assume you don’t know anything about making money online. Here’s a brief explanation of how to start an online business from scratch.
You build a website and fill it with content that solves people’s problems or fulfills their desires. Because this is useful content, the search engines help people find your website. In time, the visitors to your website get to know you, like you and trust you.
You honor their trust in you and only recommend products that will help them. And, because they know, like and trust you, some of your visitors buy the products you recommend through links on your site. When they do, you make money.
It’s as simple as that.
Before you can build a website and get it ranked in the search engines, you’ll need to learn some new skills. And, once you have these new skills, you’ll know several ways to make money on the internet. Let me show you the best place I’ve found for learning what you need to know.
Where to learn the skills you need to succeed online.
If you have ever tried to find honest information about how to build a legitimate online business, you will discover that the path is a dangerous one. Scammers are ready to promise you the world and take your last dime. Or, worse, they will convince you to load up your credit card, so you will be paying for years.
The truth is, making substantial money online requires that you build a real online business. The good news is it isn’t difficult, but it does require patience and commitment. Actually, building an online business is easier than slogging away at a dead-end job.
If you would like to learn how to make money online, the right way, I recommend the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course. In the FREE starter course, you’ll discover the industry’s best practices for building an online business. You’ll also get training, support and one-on-one mentoring.
To learn more about the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course, Click Here.
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